With her bilingual skills (Chinese and English), Daisy is always willing to assist clients from different cultural backgrounds in exploring various visa options and navigating the complicated Australian immigration system. Putting herself in the shoes of each client is what makes her thrive in her immigration career. With that in mind, she strives to provide each client with a bespoke immigration solution.
One of Daisy’s clients notes: “She is very well-versed with the immigration procedures and has a deep understanding of various aspects like processing time frames, documents needed, quality and content of documents, etc. of the GTI visa.” One client also comments: “I found her to be an extremely approachable and patient individual who would address your queries in quick time”.
Prior to joining Teleo Immigration, Daisy has held various roles at KPMG Australia (Global Immigration Practice) and Visacorp.
Daisy是澳大利亚持牌移民顾问,同时也担任Teleo Immigration中国和东盟业务部经理。Daisy在澳大利亚移民行业拥有超过8年以上丰富的从业经验,对不同类型的澳大利亚签证,如全球人才独立计划签证(GTI)、各类商务及投资签证和雇主担保签证等有着丰富的经验和理解。
在加入Teleo Immigration之前,Daisy曾就职于澳大利亚毕马威全球移民部(KPMG Australia)和Visacorp 移民公司。